A transport for winston which logs to a rotating file each day. From winston - daily - rotate - file. How to rotate winston log files based on time and date pattern. Step 3: Install winston daily rotate file module.
Prev, Third-Party software license agreements, Next. A free, fast, and reliable CDN for winston - daily - rotate - file.
Compare npm package download statistics over time: winston - daily - rotate - file vs winston-logrotate. If not, log rotation cycles through log files , creating an archive of them over time. As described in title, it seems that descending order works fine as long as you use winston.
WebServer类应用。其中使用pmcluster 模式进行进程管理,nodejs代码中,使用 winston - daily - rotate - file. If you use winston to log files. Hi, Logs files name generated in nodejs are like -rainbowsdk. Will not be logged in either transport!
The two nodejs libraries I found for logging were winston and bunyan.
Bunyan has an option rotating - file that deletes old log entries but. Each instance of a winston logger can have multiple transports configured at.